Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Overcoming Hair Loss

Many factors cause hair loss, such as stress, use of the wrong shampoo, hair treatment chemical overload, dandruff etc.. Currently, many methods of hair loss treatment, either using herbal treatments and hair transplant technology, hormone injections, laser, etc.. Course information - information to overcome the loss is easy to find the internet in different ways and methods.

Growing trend today with the use of herbal or traditional methods is equally in demand, in addition to safe also good for health as it will not have any side effects. One method to overcome herbal hair loss is using ginger, herbs that have a lot of benefits.

Plants that have naturally spicy flavor contains keto compounds called Zingeron. The efficacy Zingeron are able to cure several ailments such as flu, thrush, also overcome hair loss. Unlike the honey used as shampoo, ginger should not be mixed with processed first.
How To Deal With Hair Loss with ginger can be done through the steps :

1. Prepare one piece of ginger
2. Peel and mash the cooked like when you want
3. Rub - rub the ginger pieces on the head that suffered loss or baldness
4. Do a little longer for ginger can stimulate cells - hair cells and nourish the scalp
5. The final step, thoroughly rinse the head should not use warm or cold water.

Do the on a regular basis. Just by these simple steps you can prevent hair loss and nourish your scalp.


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