Bad breath is caused by bacteria that convert food scraps into sulfur gas. Other causes could also happen to come from within the body. These tips quoted from some dentists are presented in various forums.
- The first thing is always maintaining oral health by brushing teeth regularly early in the day or finished meal and before bed. At the time of brushing your teeth try to rub the palate and tongue us, because usually the leftovers usual stuck-section of the section.
- Try to avoid foods that smell / sting like onions, durian.
- Expand drinking water handy to maintain water balance in the body.
- Consuming probiotic foods, useful and help prevent bad breath digestive health.
- Should avoid alcohol and cigarettes because it is useless, all of which can lead to periodontitis and gingivitis worsens oral hygiene. In addition, alcohol can reduce the production of saliva, which resulted in the rapid growth of bacteria.
- Always consume fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots, jicama. By the time you are advised to consume fruit break.
- Consumption like coriander, mint, tarragon, eucalyptus, rosemary and cardamom can ward off and fight bad breath.
- Consumption cheese can fight bacteria in our mouths, because the cheese is rich in calcium, low in carbohydrates, and contain phosphates so it is useful to increase saliva production, and reduce tartar growth.
- Consumption vitamin C also can overcome bad breath, because vitamin C may be able to create an inhospitable environment for bacteria growth. Get vitamin C from fruits and other foods, not from supplements, because it only actually aggravate bad breath.
- And the latter, you should not overuse mouthwash.
Some tips above may help you in eliminating bad breath, so we do not need to feel shy or not confident when communicating at a friend or someone else.
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