Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tuna for Health Benefits

Tuna is one of the famous fish was delicious and highly nutritious. The benefits of tuna are extremely diverse. The Japanese have a habit of consuming tuna in their day . They are fully aware of the enormity of the health benefits of tuna. Tuna is rich in protein substances, protein, omega-3, niacin, thiamine, selenium, tryptophan, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin B6 and many more. All of the content is a positive substance for the body and health.
Here are the benefits of tuna:

  1.  Tuna fish can control fatty acid in the body to remain normal.
  2.  Keeping cholesterol levels in the blood that is on the point of a stable and secure, while also lowering cholesterol.
  3.  Essential fatty acids and potassium in the blood pressure control function tuna to remain stable and secure.
  4. Avoiding the potential of stroke.
  5.  Tuna fish known as a heart-healthy diet can prevent the occurrence of mudslinging because the blood in the arteries of the    heart. People who love to eat tuna will be spared from problems related to heart disease.
  6.  Substance Omega-3 and selenium in fish serves to eliminate toxins in the organs, especially the liver.
  7. Tuna fish to avoid the possibility of the growth of cancer in the uterus and intestines. Simultaneously to fight the disease.
  8. Healthy tuna consumed for ashma disease and diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
  9. Tuna is best eaten on the woman who was masamenopause radah vessel inflammation and infection.
  10.  Benefits tuna also works to fight Alzheimer’s disease (brain volume shrinkage)
  11.  Substance rich in omega-3 in fish tuna can prevent overweight (obeses).
  12. People – Japanese people know the secret on tuna as a barrier to maintain the beauty of skin aging as well. So it is not surprising that most of the Japanese society has a smooth and beautiful skin.


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